Saturday, August 1, 2020 HHO Team MN hosted our 4th Annual Freedom Fighters Veterans Shoot. The weather cooperated with us and we had 29 boats and their captains. We were able to take out 67 members along with some HHO staff; total of over 70 Veterans, current military, and law enforcement members were able to enjoy a BBQ, give away drawings, live music, making friends, sharing stories, and last but not least a night of bowfishing. National Anthem was sung by Sailor Jerry, and members were lined up with their captain(s). Each boat left and went to the lake of their choosing to let arrows fly. A good amount of the captains got out prior in the week to spend some late-night scouting for good water and fish so that the event could be successful. Stay tuned for video and more photos!
Special thank you to Curtis Cich with EDGE Bowfishing, Sailor Jerri, Joe Caminati with Average Joes Archery, Wright County Sheriff's Office, Lisa Musker with Whitetail Country Scents, Dennis Gross with Patriot jig company, Feradyne Outdoors, Dale Mord with Rogue Productions, Hy-Vee, Land of Lakes Bowfishing Association, Erik Mossberg with Best Defense Armory and Range, Pat Kadrlik with I got a guy, LLC, Todd Halverson, Scott Janiak, and last but not least, all of our boat captains! We couldn’t hold this event without you.